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API Responses

HTTP status codes, errors and request validation

You must validate requests and return HTTP status codes within the 4xx range if an error is caused by the client, and within the 5xx range if an error is caused by the server. The JSON response body will include an array of validation/error messages.

For example an error might return:

  • Error Type: A machine readable and consistent type e.g. INTERNAL_ERROR, ACCOUNT_USER
  • Error Feedback: A human readable explaining the error type.
  • Exception: Exception data if application

Validation errors will return:

  • Field: Associated model field for which the validation error is associated e.g DocumentDate
  • Criteria: Description of qualifying valid criteria. Dates must be in the format dd/MMM/YYYY e.g. 30/JUL/1966
  • Validation Error Type: A machine readable and consistent validation error type e.g. INVALID_DATE_FORMAT
  • Message: A human readable message explaining the error e.g. The date format entered is invalid.

Our standard validation codes

Validation Error TypeDescription
REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSINGRequired data missing
MAX_LENGTH_EXCEEDEDThe data supplied exceeded the allowed length.
INVALID_DATE_FORMATThe date supplied is provided in an invalid format.
INVALID_DATE_RANGEThe date supplied is outside of the permitted range. For example if the date specified is in the past yet past values aren’t allowed.
INVALID_NUMBER_FORMATA number provided is in an invalid format. For example if decimal numbers weren’t permitted.
INVALID_NUMBER_RANGEThe number provided is out of the allowed range. For example if negative numbers weren’t permitted.
INVALID_FORMATGeneral format error.
ID_VALUE_MISMATCHSome requests may support ID and value. For example UserId and Email, before using the ID (UserId) and Value (Email) must correlate.
METADATA_RULE_VIOLATIONMetadata submitted doesn’t pass business rule validation. For example an Artifact may imply a specific Sub-Artifact, attempting to supply an invalid Sub-Artifact would imply a rule violation.
UNKNOWN_RESOURCERequest refers to resources which do not exist or do not have access to see.
UNSUPPORTED_FILTER_SYNTAXThe filter parameter supplied has syntax not supported. For example document querying does not currently support OR based filtering.
INVALID_FILTER_SYNTAXThe filter parameter supplied is invalid. For example “name eq 'John Smith’” is valid however “name = ‘John Smith’” is invalid syntax.
UNSUPPORTED_ORDERBY_SYNTAXThe order by parameter supplied has a syntax not supported. For example some requests won’t support multiple column ordering.
INVALID_ORDERBY_SYNTAXThe order by parameter supplied is invalid. For example “name asc” is valid however “name ascending” would be invalid.
DUPLICATE_METADATADuplicate metadata items have been supplied whereby only one is permitted.
METADATA_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUNDThe metadata supplied does not match a known metadata attribute within the system.
INVALID_METADATA_OPTIONThe metadata supplied isn't a valid option given other metadata restraints.
METADATA_SECURITY_VIOLATIONMetadata supplied is valid but not allowed based on the security configuration.

Our standard error codes

CodeError TypeDescription
401AUTHENTICATION_FAILUREThe supplied information could not be authenticated. I.e. username/password incorrect
401ACCOUNT_DISABLEDThe account attempting to authenticate is disabled.
401ACCOUNT_LOCKEDThe account attempting to authenticate is locked.
401ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_CHANGE_REQUIREDThe account attempting to authenticate is requires a password change.
401INVALID_TOKENThe JWT authentication token supplied is invalid.
403NOT_AUTHORIZEDAccess is not permitted based on the supplied authentication token.
404RESOURCE_NOT_FOUNDThe resource requested was not found
500RESTORE_POINT_OPENAction cannot be undertaken as a restore point is open.
500INTERNAL_ERRORAn error occurred e.g. unhandled error, network or database connectivity issues.